Owner’s Rep

Don’t Know Where to Start?
When you’re doing a large construction job, you have to work with a lot of different contractors, including electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. All of these different contractors have different fees, policies, and expectations, and it’s your job to make sure you know what you’re getting into. Fortunately, you can avoid a lot of headaches by making sure that you have an owner’s representative on every job.

Don't Become A Contractor
Doing a construction project on your own can be an intimidating, but with an owner’s rep it’s like having an interpreter to make your construction project a success.
Catch Pitfalls
While you can’t foresee it all TinyRooms representatives are trained and experienced at finding issues with proposals, bidding, contracts, and most importantly, the project as a whole.
Improve communication
Poor communication can lead to your contractor or subcontractor doing thousands of dollars in damage to your project if you are not vigilant. We work with them.
Start Right
Before starting a construction project, there’s an awful lot that can go wrong. With estimates that could reach $500,000 or more, getting it right the first time is really important. Did you know that hiring an owners rep does not necessarily mean you have to hand over more money, or that your construction costs will go up? The reply is a resounding No! Click below to get in touch.
Our Shop
We work with you to execute one of these designs or contact us for a custom tailored experience.

Tailored To You
Just choose the designs and they’ll be adjusted to fit your floor plan.
Easy As a Click
Combine your favorite models into your dream home.
Don’t Be Affraid
Mix different styles to raise the ambiance and feel the mood change.