


Contemporary Living Room

Lincoln Contemporary Living Room

  • This piece is a great addition to any room because it is both stylish and practical.
  • This space has a simple and uncluttered design, but it is still warm and comfortable.
  • When planning your living room design, be sure to include these elements to create a cohesive and stylish space.
  • Watch your tailor-made plans come to life through your phone’s camera. Experience it before you build it.


Contemporary Dream Living Room

Design your living room with contemporary furniture for a chic and futuristic look. This design can incorporate various pieces of furniture, mostly with sleek and minimalistic features such as glass and metal. The decor, furniture, and cushioned sofas were all arranged in a clean and sleek manner, with splashes of color in the form of artwork and accessories. The recliners, coffee tables, and other pieces were styled in a stylish way that brought the whole room together. The primary focus during the design process was the function of the space, with the lighting and color scheme being designed to complement the overall feel of the room and create a sense of comfort and class.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Design Elements



It serves as a versatile foundation for your furniture and décor, allowing you to create a harmonious and visually appealing space. With its blend of style and functionality, a contemporary style living room carpet is the perfect choice for those seeking a modern and inviting atmosphere in their home.


The contemporary style backsplash is characterized by clean lines, minimalistic patterns, and a focus on modern materials. It can be made from various materials such as glass, stainless steel, or ceramic tiles in neutral or bold colors.

Laminate Panels

Whether you prefer a minimalist look or a bold statement, contemporary style laminate panels come in a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns to suit your design preferences. Easy to install and maintain, these panels offer durability and resistance to wear, making them ideal for high-traffic areas like the living room.