Scandinavian Den


scandinavian den

Anders Scandinavian Den

  • A landscape that is clean and well-organized with beautiful, meaningful, and functional accent pieces.
  • It’s ideal for quiet reflection and introspection.
  • Design your plans to revolve around these elements to create a living space that is exclusively yours.
  • Watch your customized plans come to life through your phone’s camera. See it before you build it.


Anders Scandinavian Den

This interior design is sparse and edgy, with natural materials like ash and beech woods, wool and linen fabrics, leather, and glass. This unique blend of materials and textures creates a space that is both depth and character, while still remaining airy and light. Storage solutions that are stylish, functional and chic are combined to create a modern living space that is cozy and trendy. Scandinavian Den Design hopes to create a space that feels like home, where you can relax and unwind. This luxury designer trend is not one to be missed. Experience total comfort and style!

Cutting-Edge Technology

Design Elements


Chilling Fridge

Here’s a paragraph about zoom-in element number one. Which is the fridge that has a body in it. Don’t worry, it’s chicken’s.

Tesla Stove

And here’s another paragraph about zoom-in elements number two.  And it’s about the all wonderful sink, where you can sink stuff.

Nuclear Oven

And lastly we got yet another element to wrap this up. Which is a super fancy upgrade of a regular oven – two ovens combo! That’s it.