Custom closets can be built to suit your taste, needs, and budget.  The options to choose from are nearly endless, so keeping a few tips in mind can help you to settle on the options that are right for you.  Here are some basic guidelines to help you out:

  1. Do Not Waste Space – Your closet is meant for storage and you should utilize all that it offers from floor to ceiling. Maximize your options with drawers, bins, and racks for storage to take advantage of the space.
  2. Know Your Wardrobe and Habits – Socks that are rolled take up less space than bunched. Shirts that are stacked fit in smaller areas than those hung up. If you are a tshirt and jeans person, then drawers and shelves are probably the best fit. Keep these in mind when planning your organizational design.
  3. Light It Up- Proper lighting is important in your closet because fluorescents and recesses help you see your items. Regular bulbs can generate a lot of heat so it is best to have lights come from different angles for better visibility.