Minimizing Contractor Overcharge

(888) 934-3444

Hey, I’m a homeowner who lives in Ontario, Canada. It is time for me to remodel my home. But, I’m tired of spending so much money on contractors. Every single time I hire a contractor, they always overcharge me. They always seem to come up with new ideas and new ways that they can charge me money. So, I’m looking for someone who can help me remodel my home without all the hassle. I need someone who can get the job done and help me save money on all the unnecessary stuff. My vision is to have a home renovation team come to my home and take care of everything from start to finish.

-Age 35

Clear Plans

The clearer your plans are the better you’ll be able to communicate them to your vendors.


Avoid Change Orders

Change orders are the quickest way to get a bill that you didn’t expect as most of the time you’ll see it up.

Don't Explain Yourself Again

When you have different people working together on the same job you’ll find you’ll have to repeat yourself.

Get The Remodel You Want with Fewer Problems

At TinyRooms, we get questions like this all the time from homeowners trying to complete their remodel but without being ripped off by shady contractors. While no one can give you a full proof solution for contractors one thing you can do is hire an Owner’s representative to deal with all the dirty work for you. 

How are you supposed to know when the contractor is giving you the most expensive way to complete something because they make money doing so? Well, with a team like TinyRooms you’ve got a team watching your back. Contact us for a consultation or read more below for additional tips. 


Construction Timelines

It’s important to set timelines with your vendors so you know both when you need to pay and what to expect for it.

Better Bids

Get better Bids by understanding what questions really matter most. Or you can hire us to do it for you.


Explore Alternatives

You might feel like you only have one option because that is all they gave you. There may be other better ideas.

Services Available

Room Design

Per Room

Hire A Rep

Owner Support System

Virtual Help

Video Consultation

TinyRooms can work with you to act as an intermediary between you and your vendors. You can select to work with us for your design services and couple that with our Owner’s Representation option. 

How do you know if you really need what you’re contractor’s suggestion? These are the types of questions we regularly field as part of our services. We engage with the vendors in order to ensure the right requests are made to get you the final product you want. 




















Primary Residence



