Luca Transitional Fireplace
- This is the ideal marriage of form and function.
- Our sleek new design is more elegant, while still providing warmth and comfort during cold winter months.
- Design your living space to your specifications by incorporating these elements into your plans.
- Your phone’s camera brings your tailored plans to life right before your eyes.
Giovani Transitional Fireplace
If you're looking for a way to add some extra beauty, function, and style to your home, then a transitional fireplace design might be a great option for you. This newer style of fireplace is becoming increasingly popular amongst homeowners because it is both stylish and practical. If you want to update your fireplace, this may be the perfect option for you. This fireplace has a stunning and unique design, with the illusion that it is floating through the walls. It is an exquisite, sophisticated, and versatile choice that provides the space with radiant heat. This electric fireplace is perfect for any home, whether it be in a cold or warm climate! It is a stylish and practical alternative to the standard wood-burning fireplace, and is sure to add a touch of class to any room.
Cutting-Edge Technology

Design Elements

Chilling Fridge
Here’s a paragraph about zoom-in element number one. Which is the fridge that has a body in it. Don’t worry, it’s chicken’s.
Tesla Stove
And here’s another paragraph about zoom-in elements number two. And it’s about the all wonderful sink, where you can sink stuff.
Nuclear Oven
And lastly we got yet another element to wrap this up. Which is a super fancy upgrade of a regular oven – two ovens combo! That’s it.